MESParadiseBeverages 90


Join us on our sustainability journey


Paradise beverages is committed to making a distinctive and positive contribution to the world in which we live.

This is reflected in our mission: To be recognised as the premier place to work, creating world-class beverages and making a positive contribution to the business and the markets in which we operate.

This means that with each decision we seek to deliver the best outcomes for our people, consumer choice and wellbeing, the environment, our communities as well as our shareholders.

Our sustainability framework is aligned with Coca-Cola Amatil Group Framework and focuses on four pillars: our people, wellbeing, environment, and our community. In 2018 Paradise Beverages conducted a full review of each of the four pillars within its sustainability framework and developed a set of priorities and strategies through to 2020. These priorities are aligned with, and embedded in, our broader business strategies to deliver long-term sustainable business value, and have been developed to reflect the expectations of our key stakeholders – our people, our partners, our communities, our customers and our investors. Our focus is on those areas that are the most important and where we can make the most difference. We recognise increased concern regarding the environment, climate change and sustainable packaging, as well as consumer wellbeing, and will continue to prioritise these areas.

An overview of our 2020 priorities, as well as our approach and progress to date in each pillar of the sustainability framework is provided in the following pages. For the first time, our 2018 Annual Report contains a summary of the positive progress we have made in each of our four pillars.